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Ap World History Common Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Management Case study Essay
Contextual analysis 1. How do data advancements add to the business accomplishment of the organizations portrayed for the situation? Give a model from each organization clarifying how the innovation actualized let to improved execution. Data advancements are basic to organizations and associations that need to be fruitful. For this situation, there were three organizations that showed how data advances helped their business. The principal organization was eCourier. eCourier conveys bundles around London and needed to â€Å"keep ongoing tabs on client satisfaction†(Textbook, pg 5). eCourier utilized SeeWhy programming to help give them client information quicker. This product permitted eCourier to see when client’s accounts were going lethargic or if there were changes in the appointments. With this new information, eCourier set aside cash by not adding additional staff to screen who was content with administration and who was most certainly not. The subsequent organization was Cablecom. Cablecom was likewise intrigued consumer loyalty. They utilized factual programming to glance through client information and channel out difficulty. They additionally found that utilizing overview research in blend with factual programming gave an increasingly exact gander at consumer loyalty or disappointment. These two data advancements permitted Cablecom to see which clients were miserable and helped them hold those clients. At long last, the third organization was a law office called Bryan Cave. Bryan Cave required an option in contrast to the hourly expense regularly charged by law offices. Customers needed â€Å"fixed valuing and estimating that was balanced during a project†(Textbook, pg 6). The law office had spreadsheets to help breakdown the assortment of charges and how much benefit was being made yet these spreadsheets were troublesome and confounding. The organization utilized business astute devices to assist â€Å"lawyers with following financial plans continuously so they could rapidly make adjustments†(Textbook, pg. 6). The utilization of this innovation prompted improved benefit for the law office and furthermore improvement in hours worked by charge workers in the law office. 2. On account of law office Bryan Cave examined over, the utilization of BI innovation to improve the accessibility, access, and introduction of existingâ information permitted them to offer custom-made and inventive types of assistance to their clients. What different callings could profit by a comparative utilization of these innovations, and how? Create two distinct prospects. Numerous callings can utilize business insight devices simply like on account of Bryan Cave law office. The financial business can utilize BI devices to remain serious. With rivalry nature and expanding due administrative enactment encompassing monetary organizations, it is basic that money related establishments screen customer’s practices identified with utilization of banking items with an end goal to hold the clients. Business insight apparatuses are being created and showcased to banks to help screen, break down records, and decide client gainfulness. This sort of business knowledge device would enable the banks to market to current clients dependent on their affinity to buy items dependent on exchange conduct and different items the clients as of now use. Furthermore, a business intelligience instrument that plays out an investigation of the present expense structure charged for existing items comparable to the opposition in the commercial center would enable the bank to decide whether their evaluating structure is serious and in accordance with the opposition. This innovation would likewise enable budgetary foundations to distinguish which clients are beneficial and whether charges ought to be expanded or decreased. Presently, Compound Bank has executed a business intelligience device that commerical moneylenders will use by cross rreferencing their advance portfolio and any possibility against to decide the productivity of the client according to the company’s return on value. The business intelligience instrument will help the commerical banks decided whether the credit rate is in line given certain boundaries, for example, the market, fiscal summaries, and the customer’s strategy. Moreover, the instrument will help decide whether bundling a set-up of items would profit the client if more items and administrations of the bank were used. At long last, Chemical Bank is examining a creative business insight apparatus called information 3D square is being considered for execution. The information solid shapes would be created from various reports for provincial team leads permitting them to control the information to be progressively helpful vital arranging and deciding staffing arrangements. BS&A softwareâ company could profit by business insight instruments. BS& A gives charge programming and surveying programming to numerous Michigan townships and urban areas. Every stage speaks with any of the other BS& A stages. From individual experience it is an awesome program. To help hold ebb and flow customers BS& A could utilize overview examination to perceive what should be upgraded for every customer or what should be streamlined for every customer. This would permit the organization to then tailor its product to fit each customer’s needs. At the township I work, we required an approach to enter Mastercard installments into our duty program from BS and A. The main installments acknowledged in the product were checks and money. By rounding out the review and sending it back through web I was quickly reached and the program journalists made the vital changes that permitted me to enter when a customer of the township paid with a charge card. I was happy with the outcomes and BS and A held my township as one of their customers. Contextual investigation 3: Cablecom built up an expectation model to all the more likely distinguish those clients in danger of changing to other organization sooner rather than later. Notwithstanding those prominent for the situation, what different moves could be made if that data were accessible? Give a few instances of these. OK consider letting a few clients leave in any case? Why? Cablecom utilized two programming projects, SPSS’s measurable programming and SPSS’s Dimensions study research programming, to contemplate client disappointment. SPSS’s factual programming tells: 1. How frequently issue happened 2. To what extent does it took to fix the issue Disadvantages of this product: This might determine what the issue was. SPSS’s Dimensions study research programming tells: 1. After how long of administration clients gets disappointed 9 months 2. At the point when clients switch most-between 12-14 months Downside: for what reason to hold up till 7-9 months to discover the issue? Activities to forestall exchanging: Discover the issue, fix the issue: Send month to month fulfillment reviews to discover the difficult zones. On the off chance that individuals are not reacting quite well, at that point add a few motivating forces to it like fortunate prizes from the drawings of responders. Be PROACTIVE 1. Keep clients connected by prroviding some cash sparing tips to clients with their month to month bill. A few 2. instances of tips that may improve client maintenance are: family designs over individual plans that would take into account a cost reserve funds; Explain the advantage of messaging if it’s less expensive than making calls; clarify the advantages of packaged plans over individual designs for telephone, link and TV; tips to build the life of the items that Cablecom gives. Bulletins about new items and administrations, clarifying how these are helpful to clients and how they are superior to rivalry. Tenderizing a worth included advantage to clients a month to month or quarterly premise will make a fondness for the administrations an organization gives. I won't consider letting a few clients leave in any case, except if those are monetarily unreasonable on long haul premise. There are various purposes behind this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the off chance that client is there, at that point work is accessible. It takes heaps of promoting assets to get one client. One fulfilled client brings more clients by overhearing people's conversations. One unsatisfied client speaks awful about organization more noisily than a satisfiedâ customer speaks great about organization. Your rival is getting your business. Question 9. In what significant ways have the jobs of data frameworks applications in business extended during the most recent 40 years? What is one significant change you think will occur in the following 10 years? The jobs of data frameworks applications in business developed in following request during the most recent 40 years: ï‚ · ï‚ · Specialized changes or Data Processing: Until 1960 data frameworks was utilized for exchanges, preparing, record continuing, bookkeeping. Administrative changes (1960s to 80’s): 1. The executives revealing (1960’s): MIS helped in settling on administrative choices from pre characterized administrative 2. reports. Choice Support System (1970’s): Introduced to assist the board with settling on choices from the accessible crude information utilizing novel sources of info and style. ï‚ · Corporate Activities (1980’s to 2000’s): 1. Vital end client support (1980’s): This incorporates end client figuring, official data for basic 2. 3. choices, utilization of man-made brainpower for procedure building, master frameworks for giving information to end client and vital data on the most proficient method to put items and administrations in serious world. Venture Resource Planning (2000’s): It incorporates each part of business extending from producing, gracefully, deals, HR, Inventory the board, advertising and so forth. This likewise utilizes business Intelligence for better understanding into contender exercises. Undertaking past sellers and clients or worldwide Networking (1990’s): Introduction of web based business, ebusiness, improvement of web, intranet and extranet. In future 10 years, speed and uprightness of Information framework will be essential. This remembers taking care of the issue of morals for business, stockpiling of individual data and information, absent or off base data. A few instances of the challenges incorporate insider
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Situational Analysis Of The Golf Growth In Italy Tourism Essay Essays
Situational Analysis Of The Golf Growth In Italy Tourism Essay Essays Situational Analysis Of The Golf Growth In Italy Tourism Essay Situational Analysis Of The Golf Growth In Italy Tourism Essay In this paper I would wish to investigate the situation of golf developing and its expanding prevalence between individuals. Our motivation is to demo situation of golf as a kind of sports coordinating into touristry. As of late, the specializers are talking about the advancement of inside and outer touristry. The requests about the interest to build the quantitative indexs, by disentangling visa processs, making and saving an appealing picture of the state for remote tourers are inspected. In any case, all individuals from the tourer showcase comprehend that in the primary topographic point, it is important to better the quality and extent of administrations in this market. Also, this, as a result, will elevate a more prominent figure of shoppers of the household market and it will be another additional affectation to go to our condition of remote tourers. I ought to see that the United States Tourism Development of State Department has established that the golf class it s one of those nations, which nearness shows the variant for tourers of obscure condition of the state to clear rules. Each golf class is distant from everyone else, what makes followings of golf endeavor to pressure new Fieldss, in this manner elevating them to go. As it were, holding a golf class exhibits the high level of solace and administrations in the part, every piece great as a worry of these rules by have and by customer. The word golf is related with the green Fieldss with low-edited grass and little gatherings of individuals who pursued the ball from the opening to gap. Today there are in excess of 70 million individuals playing golf. This sports is turning. Blending to Ketzscher and Ringrose ( 2002 ) we see that insights show that in Asia 3,580 golf classs in Australia - 1955, in Europe 5020 in North America - 17,538 in Africa 542 ( whenever wanted can be played on an individual field in the least fortunate state known to man Chad ) . To day of the month, North America and Japan are involved a prevailing commercial center. Supporting of the field requires significant outgo related with the everyday expense of turf, scene fix and care of the armada. Golf thunder in the late 80 s of Twenty century in Europe and the United States, on the one manus, helped numerous husbandmans to escape from ruin, transforming land into manicured gardens, golf classs. That was bounty for a productive concern. This inclination began in the right on time of a century ago. The game is based on the standard of a major field, yet it utilizes 18 Fieldss. Smaller than expected Golf does non require specific achievements and readiness, and a low expense has made it minimal effort for about everybody. Abuse of destinations is straightforward, requires no specific capital contributing, land procurement and specific creation. Fascination quickly pays for itself, since you can truly play the entire twelvemonth. Smaller than normal Golf is isolated into stunning separation, or arranged ( counterfeit regular ) inclusion. Thusly, a scene of smaller than normal golf class is viewed as one of the most wonderful and regarded one. In May 2009 the Italian Tourism Board propelled a run planned for expanding the state s figure of golf resorts, which should contribution intensity financial specialists. This was accounted for in the Journal of Golf North East. Golf A ; More a run planned for propelling the idea of golf in parts, for example, Liguria, Toscana, Sardegna, Sicilia, Bolzano and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Golf is one of the boss alluring components in the advancement of touristry in the part. The Italian specialists has chosen to put more than 400 million euros in the improvement of golf resorts on the Mediterranean coastline of the southern conditions of Italy. This was done to help these parts to keep up with the previously bing golf classs, for example, Spain, Portugal and other customary tourer finishs in Italy: Venice, Florence and Rome. Golf resorts are of contribution non just fanatics of the game: the golf class following to a private composite guarantees a wonderful situation out the window and low-enthusiasm dwelling. Numerous states have begun to build golf resorts to pull more vacationists and all year improvement of touristry. These states incorporate Portugal, Turkey, UAE, Cyprus, non to advert Spain. Italy is a little state with an extremely comfortable clime and a rich authentic legacy. Interest for possessions in Italy will ever be, yet the proposition is somewhat constrained. Drawing in tourers in Italy are non required. For what reason is there such invigoration about golf? Italy is trying to follow the way universe on golf resorts, or for their visual perspective there are objective grounds? In Italy, 258 golf classs and just around 80 000 enrolled golfers. Golf it s still non an Italian games. Also, this in spite of the way that you can play here all twelvemonth unit of ammo. In Italy, golf is treated as a games for rich prude. This is incompletely because of the way that practically all the clubs private and open, and there are non metropolitan Fieldss. Italians love affiliation football, great supplement and vino, vocals, dress up and pass via auto dumbfounding structure Italians love delightful life. Along these lines, making a trip to Italy for the advancement of new golf classs would be reasonable to take the clasp to obtain familiar with neighborhood gustatory sensations. The unchallenged pioneer in quality and proportion of golf classs is a nation of Lakes ( Como, Garda, Maggiore, Lugano ) . A lot of good Fieldss are in Piedmont, around Venice, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and around Rome. Three golf classs are situated in Sardinia. Clog golf Italy is low. To happen T ea Time on weekdays, no activity. On ends of the week and excursions is more earnestly and free clasp you will be offered, undoubtedly toward the evening. I imagine that the innovative action of golf resorts is non associated with the craving of the administrations to do the state increasingly mainstream. Development of a major figure of golf classs non just in Italy yet adjacent to everyplace known to mankind it does non add more destinations to expand the progression of tourers. It s only a sound inclination said Gennady Gabrielian. Golf and life, coordinating to this kind of sports, are stifling progressively Black Marias and heads. Dissecting the scholastic writing I analyzed that the activity of Italy that the Southern pieces of the state are non appealing for tourers. Strawn ( 2010 ) expressed that 100s detail mis of coastline extending along the ocean, yet most tourers visit Rome, a city of Tuscany or Venice. In this manner, pulling tourers toward the southern zone by the improvement of golf concern would be an answer of the activity. Luigi Rota Caremoli is Italian golf originator see Italian view extremely alluring for playing golf. He said roughly great conditions status, land spot of Italy which give a top notch opportunity to populate in the verdant vegetables . In the course of recent decades the situation with golf classs in Italy has changed significantly. Beforehand, the sport of golf has been dispersed just among the tip top, however now it is well known other than among customary individuals. Orchestrating to McGrath, McCormick A ; Garrity ( 2006 ) , we see that each twelvemonth the figure of golfers expanded by 3 % . Facial hair ( 1982 ) expressed that the golf took his beginning in Italy from the main Italian universal competition where the victor was Costantino Rocca. The golf architect Dr Wilfried Mroder said about improvement of golf in Italy that national pride started from the triumph of Costantino Rocca in 1995 Open Championship. His supporter is Italian novice Matteo Manassero. The visual part of new golf station on Television, papers started expound more on notable Matteo Manassero: every one of these elements shows on creating prevalence of golf in Italy. Matteo Silvestri shows that the occupations of golf advancement in Italy are in bureaucratism of the state. Numerous political relations attempt to numbness these employments. The second occupation is in cost of golf rehearsing which is high with contrasting of different sorts of sports. Such huge numbers of individuals feel that this game is a benefit of rich individuals. Be that as it may, lawmakers do non mull over the building of golf classs for touristry especially during the greatest months of a twelvemonth. Apostolopoulos A ; Gayle ( 2002 ) other than show that there are a few occupations with developing golf classs. Ecological gatherings demonstrate an extraordinary resistance to it. A few proposition are getting looked at in the experts for a long clasp. One of them is at that place for 18 mature ages and has gotten no positive or negative reaction. Things being what they are, what boss points of creating golf in Italy would we be able to see? As I have just inspected the huge exchange is traveler derivation. World Golf touristry is assessed to be worth more than $ 20 billion yearly. Around 50 million Golf tourers circumventing the universe, playing on 32,000 Fieldss. In the U.S. totally there are 25 million golfers, in excess of 8 million in Europe, and Asiatic heroes of the game develop exponentially. Other than an of import point is, that the engineers have understood that the house being sold on a golf class make an additional net gain in the superior area. Homebuyers like to be in nature ( sharp looking golf class ) and at a similar clasp in a topographic purpose of diversion. Williams ( 2003 ) accepted that golf can go into new parts with new engineerings of building and care. Most owners of golf resorts know and expect that their Fieldss become beneficial, if non in a flash, so without a doubt in the nearby from this point forward. Golf can be a start of pride for the engineer and owner. Districts can be put resources into golf resorts non just fo
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, Treatment
Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, Treatment Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Print How Long Does Withdrawal From Gabapentin Last? By Corinne O’Keefe Osborn linkedin Corinne Osborn is an award-winning health and wellness journalist with a background in substance abuse, sexual health, and psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Corinne O’Keefe Osborn Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 26, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 05, 2019 More in Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Signs and Symptoms Coping and Relief Warnings Long-Term Treatment Resources View All Back To Top Gabapentin (Neurontin) is an anticonvulsant used to treat seizures and nerve pain. It is often prescribed “off-label†to treat migraines, fibromyalgia, and pain. Gabapentin is not currently a controlled substance because experts have always believed it showed little potential for abuse or dependence. Despite its legal status, gabapentin prescriptions have increased significantly over the past decade, and recent research points to an uptake in illicit abuse. Overview It is rare to experience withdrawal symptoms from gabapentin, but it does happen. A review of medical journals published between 1993, when gabapentin was approved, and 2015, found 18 case reports of gabapentin addiction, dependence, or withdrawal.?? Doctors publish case reports when they encounter a patient with a rare disorder or with a condition that they want to make their colleagues aware of. Case reports are significant because they help further knowledge and identify subjects worthy of future research. It’s worth noting that just because there are so few reports of gabapentin withdrawal, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s as rare as people once thought. It’s possible that many people simply don’t seek treatment for gabapentin withdrawal. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), gabapentin use is on the rise. Doctors wrote more than double the amount of gabapentin prescriptions in 2017 as they did in 2011.?? The illicit use of gabapentin also appears to be increasing. In a small survey of prescription drug abusers in Appalachian Kentucky, 15 percent reported using gabapentin to get high. That number is a 165 percent increase from the year prior and a 2,950 percent increase from 2008.?? It appears as though gabapentin dependence and withdrawal are most common among people who use at least one other substance, such as opioids or alcohol. In the case reports, all patients had past drug or alcohol addiction issues.?? Opioid users have reported using gabapentin to intensify their high. Cocaine users have reported the same, as well as attempts to use gabapentin to help alleviate cocaine withdrawal. Signs and Symptoms Among the documented cases, gabapentin withdrawal began between 12 hours and 7 days after the last dose.?? The majority saw withdrawal symptoms within 24 to 48 hours. Common Symptoms The most common symptom was agitation, occurring in about half of the recorded cases. Confusion and disorientation were the next most common symptoms, followed by:SweatingGastrointestinal symptomsTremorsFast heart rateHigh blood pressureInsomnia In many of the cases reported in the medical journals, individuals entered gabapentin withdrawal without the intention to do so.?? This was typically a result of running out of gabapentin or leaving it at home during a trip out of town. This sample of cases is unlikely to be reflective of most people’s experiences with gabapentin withdrawal. The reason for this is that only people with severe or alarming symptoms seek emergency medical treatment. Among the cases reported, gabapentin withdrawal symptoms typically peaked three days after someone’s last dose. In almost all cases, doctors eventually treated the symptoms by resuming the previous gabapentin dose.?? Once people resumed their dose, their symptoms disappeared within hours. Coping and Relief The best way to cope with gabapentin withdrawal will depend on the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and the state of your mental and physical health. Your current dose of gabapentin and your reasons for taking it are also important factors. Seek medical attention if you or someone you love is already experiencing symptoms of gabapentin withdrawal. If your loved one is showing signs of confusion or psychosis, take them to the emergency room. While it may sound odd, the best treatment for severe gabapentin withdrawal symptoms is gabapentin.?? Resuming your normal dose of gabapentin will get rid of potentially dangerous symptoms, like delirium. After resuming your normal dose, you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your motivations for quitting gabapentin. Your doctor can help you safely taper your dose. Tapering means taking progressively smaller doses of medication over a period of several weeks or months. Warnings While gabapentin withdrawal may not be well understood, the recorded cases are alarming. Many of the gabapentin withdrawal case studies involve people with a history of psychiatric or substance abuse problems.?? If you share either of these risk factors, there is cause for concern. Pre-Existing Conditions During detox and withdrawal, the symptoms of pre-existing conditions often return. People with a history of bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, and epilepsy are all at risk. If you have been taking gabapentin for pain, your pain may return to pretreatment levels. People with these conditions may be safer detoxing in a hospital setting, where doctors are prepared to treat any possible complications. If you have a pre-existing condition or a history of complicated substance withdrawal, then you might want to consider spending the first few days of your withdrawal in a hospital or specialized inpatient detox facility. Pregnancy If you are pregnant, gabapentin can have unpredictable effects. There is one case study in which an infant was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit because she was born in gabapentin withdrawal.?? If you are pregnant, talk to your obstetrician about the safety of gabapentin and the possibility of tapering down before your baby is born. Long-Term Treatment Your long-term treatment plan for gabapentin dependence will depend on the presence of pre-existing conditions, including substance abuse, and your reasons for taking the drug in the first place. There are no clinical protocols designed to manage gabapentin withdrawal. You and your doctor can work together to figure out the best way forward. The general consensus seems to be that tapering off gabapentin can help prevent severe withdrawal symptoms. You could taper your dose at home, but it is best to stay in communication with your doctor. If you have been taking high doses of gabapentin that were prescribed by your doctor, then that doctor should be consulted before you taper on your own or stop taking the medication. Your doctor will talk about the risks and benefits of stopping gabapentin. Depending on your situation, risks could include seizures, opioid dependence, or pain. Your doctor may advise transitioning to a different medication before tapering off gabapentin completely. If you have been abusing your gabapentin prescription by mixing it with other drugs or alcohol, then tapering your dose may not be sufficient.?? Addiction is a complex disorder of the brain and it requires a long-term treatment plan. Comprehensive addiction treatment programs typically combine a variety of tactics to help you understand why you began abusing drugs in the first place. Individual and group therapy sessions can teach you how to recognize the negative behavioral patterns that lead you toward drugs. A counselor, therapist, or psychologist can also help you develop strategies for dealing with triggers and cravings. Resources If you or someone you love is experiencing serious signs of gabapentin withdrawal, such as confusion or delirium, do not hesitate to seek emergency medical attention. If you are planning to stop taking gabapentin, you will want to make an appointment with your prescribing doctor or a primary care doctor who can help see you through the tapering process. If you are struggling with addiction issues, especially if you’ve been mixing gabapentin with other drugs or alcohol, you will want to find long-term support. You have several options, including:?? A psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor in private practice or at a hospitalAn inpatient detox facilityAn addiction treatment center that offers inpatient or outpatient programsA peer support group, like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)A provider licensed to distribute buprenorphine, a treatment for opioid dependence To find a qualified professional in your area, you can use this searchable directory from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). You can also call SAMHSA’s national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to be referred to a provider in your area. SAMHSA also offers a searchable directory of buprenorphine and methadone providers. A Word From Verywell Withdrawal can be tough, especially when you’re withdrawing from more than one substance. If you have been using gabapentin with opioids, withdrawal from each substance can complicate the other. If you are being treated for opioid withdrawal, be sure to tell your doctor about your gabapentin use. The same goes for alcohol.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Essay - 1190 Words
Short Summary Name Institution affiliation Cancer Over the years, cancer has proved to be a menace and a threat to livelihood. It is a class of diseases that have given doctors a hard time to manage. Cancer is characterized by cell growth that is out of control. The disease manifests itself in over 100 types, and each type is recognized with the type of cell it affected initially. The ugly aspect of cancer is that it causes wreckage to the body when cells divide uncontrollably when damaged and forms tumors (lumps of tissue). The case of leukemia is a bit different since cancer prohibits blood from functioning normally by anomalous cell division. When tumors grow, they can alter the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems and even instigate abnormal release of hormones that can make the body function differently. This paper examines the diagnosis and staging of cancer and discusses the complications and side effects of treatment of the disease. The paper will also explore the various methods of lessening physical an d psychological effects of cancer. Suspicion of cancer is based on symptoms and physical examination, which often prompt screening tests. However, hints on cancer invasion may result from x-rays performed on a person for injury and other abnormalities. Diagnostic tests are confirmatory to the presence of cancer and up[on diagnosis; it is staged. Cancer often stays in the body before signs show. Screening, therefore,Show MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Treatments1664 Words  | 7 Pagesdealing with cancer treatments now, slight flaws in our practice after therapy have been present; in doing so, patients have experienced personal and emotional discomfort after therapy. Addressing these issues can become informal to patients, as technology have made it easier for our daily procedures to become convenient. The underlining cause of some confusion is not the patients fault but lack of communication from the health care provider after. Therefore, introducing the drawbacks of cancer treatmentRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1175 Words  | 5 Pagesin the United States get cancer every year (Rosen). Cancer is an uncontrollable growth and division of cells throughout the body, and it is a deadly disease that affects many people. Every person is different, every type of cancer is different, and every treatment is different. One main treatment for cancer is chemotherapy. However, saying no to chemotherapy is becoming more frequent among cancer survivors. When choosing to receive or not to receive chemotherapy every cancer patient should keep anRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1528 Words  | 7 Pagestumors and cancer, has always looked at cancer and its treatment through a biological lens. Cancer is a disease that develops when cells abnormally divide and multiply without control (Depression and Cancer). The treatment of cancer includes, but is not limited to, chemotherapy. This treatment aims to shrink tumors that result from unnecess ary cells that keep dividing and multiplying. As chemotherapy only focuses on the biological treatment of cancer, the psychologically induced symptoms are left unattendedRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer888 Words  | 4 Pageslife-threatening diagnosis, such as cancer, has the potential to be an extremely stressful event and may have long-term effects. Depending on the diagnosis, many cancer patients may experience long-lasting, or chronic stress due to a variety of factors including receiving treatment, experiencing symptoms and side effects of treatment, waiting for test results, and learning that the cancer has recurred. Patients with cancer often report cancer-related posttraumatic stress (National Cancer Institute, 2012). AccordingRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer995 Words  | 4 Pageshundreds of types of cancers that are known of; anyone can get any kind of cancer. Cancer is an illness in where cells multiply nonstop. This multiplication of cells may lea d to death (Insel and Roth 279). Ewing s Sarcoma is a cancer that occurs in the bones which usually happens to younger people, but can still affect anyone. Tumors- an unusual growth in the body that can be cancerous- form on the bone. This is one of the most common bone cancers; however, not the most common cancer overall. It canRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1555 Words  | 7 PagesCancer is a disease that is caused when abnormal cells in the human body begin to divide uncontrollably. These abnormal, uncontrolled cells can then spread further into surrounding tissues, effectively harming them. Cancer is genetic, meaning there is a gene coded for this disease present that can be passed down through family. This does not mean, though, that one will be diagnosed with this disease if a family member had it and although it can be treated, cancer has the ability to return. WhenRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1432 Words  | 6 Pagesthe use of any kind of drug t o treat a disease, but today, it is most used in a cancer context. These drugs can also be known as cytotoxic (i.e. cell-killing) drugs or as antineoplastic (i.e. anti-cancer) drugs. But what is this complex disease called cancer? Cancer is a multi-step process mainly characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth and proliferation. Chemotherapy is very different from other cancer treatments, such as surgery or radiotherapy. One of the main reasons for this is, althoughRead MoreSymptoms And Treatments Of Cancer1148 Words  | 5 Pagesdeteriorating billions of bodies worldwide, Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the world. Sometimes going undetected, Cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably and if gone undetected or if treatment fails, is extremely deadly to both humans and animals. Cancer can be located almost anywhere in the body and is able to spread everywhere if uncontained. The treatments most often used to treat Cancer are chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses different medication and chemicalsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1997 Words  | 8 PagesDocetaxel also sold as Taxotere or Docecad, is a settled threatening to mitotic chemotherapy pharmaceutical that works by intruding with cell division. Docetaxel is affirmed by the FDA for treatment of secretly advanced or metastatic chest infection, head and neck development, gastric tumor, hormone-adamant prostate danger and non small cell lung disease. It works by preventing the disease cells from isolating into 2 new cells, so it obstructs the development of tumor. Docetaxel ties to microtubulesRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer1997 Words  | 8 PagesDocetaxel also sold as Taxotere or Docecad, is a settled threatening to mitotic chemotherapy pharmaceutical that works by intruding with cell division. Docetaxel is affirmed by the FDA for treatment of secretly advanced or metastatic chest infection, head and neck development, gastric tumor, hormone-adamant prostate danger and non small cell lung disease. It works by preventing the disease cells from isolating into 2 new cells, so it obstructs the development of tumor. Docetaxel ties to microtubules
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Princeton Personal Essay Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About
Princeton Personal Essay Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About The Ugly Side of Princeton Personal Essay Samples The very first step to any essay writing is to choose a subject of interest. You don't need to possess the very best writing skills to be able to be creative and compose an effective essay. There's a specific procedure of how essays ought to be written. Many trustworthy writing services are eager to provide essay help. When writing an essay, you will need to show that you're worthy of the scholarship. Please note that a few of these college essay examples could be responding to prompts that are no longer being used. These kinds of essays are guaranteed to doze off your readers. Scholarship essays are extremely similar to your college application essays when it comes to strategy. Whether you're aiming for a university admission or landing work at a prominent revenue statement for company, an effective personal letter offers you a better shot in comparison to others. As it conveys a lousy impression on employer. On Timewise Jobs, you also enter your private statement at the surface of your profile form. Perfectionists are a great example. While writing a military resume, the candidate have to bear in mind to incorporate the most crucial sections like the educational qualification, key abilities, and prior job experience. The most important relevance of a Personal Statement is to produce kn own your ambitions, thoughts, passions and other skills which aren't available on your resume that will cause you to stick out from the crowd. Your own personal statement should be tailored to your precise abilities and achievements. Your own personal statement' is the quick overview of your key abilities and experience that you need to put at the peak of your CV. Inside my opinion, some of the greatest essays reveal how at some point or another your mind was blown, shifted, changed in some manner. To let you know the truth, it's not the basis of a personal statement. All personal statements ought to be tailored to the part in question. Therefore, to ensure your private statement is flawless, get it reviewed by somebody else. The Importance of Princeton Personal Essay Samples Additionally, you can buy articles or papers online easily and conveniently without the should experience much stress in writing your own piece whenever you do not have any clue in the slightest. Ther e are a number of good reasons someone may want to have a career break. It's helpful to find other folks to read your statement and offer feedback. Likewise somebody who has crossed the personal statement writing hurdle himself can demonstrate the suitable approach to cross it. A wonderful scholarship essay enables the scholarship provider understand the actual person supporting the application and may be the trick to winning the award (assuming you satisfy the other scholarship criteria). Sample personal statement for graduate school examples can help you to compose a personal statement for graduate school showing why you are considering doing your studies in a particular school and why you wish to further your education in a particular field. Writing informative speech papers is typically a challenging endeavor to a lot of students. Nearly all of examples are posted as a member of writing guides published on the internet by educational institutions. There are lots of things which you can do to improve your probability of obtaining a scholarship and writing a scholarship essay is just one of it. Consequently, glance at the guidelines to understand whether there are any particular necessities of the college. Prove your worth there are lots of applicants that are hoping to have a scholarship. If you want more money to cover college, odds are you will be applying for several college scholarships. Introducing Princeton Personal Essay Samples You may also use our private statement worksheet as a way to map out the above. Don't forget to examine over your own personal statement each time you submit your CV for a new vacancy. With copious Income Statement Examples readily available, you can manage to earn your statement to determine how healthy your financial status is. Additionally, there are personal statements that arrive in the shape of a list, like the personal financial statement. Personal Statement is going to do just fine. A personal statement provides the selection committee more info about you that isn't captured in different documents. It is not a confessional booth. Keeping your own personal statement concise is particularly important due to the limited character count. Princeton Personal Essay Samples Help! Before you submit your application make certain you take the opportunity to proofread your essay from starting to end. Figure out what it is you are supposed to do. Indicate the kind of role you are trying to get. Try to remember, the major goal for your own personal statement is for it to further your work search. In your own personal statement, you wish to generate a connection between yourself and the position. The XYZ Engineering program has historically been and is still a leader in the business of innovation. While mentioned in places throughout the statement, it has to be stated in the start. Start here for some things you ought t o keep in mind while writing your own personal statement. The statement also provides the selection panel a very clear insight of how your time spent within the college is going to be of an extra advantage to the entire community for a whole. Ultimately, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop. The Little-Known Secrets to Princeton Personal Essay Samples All the text are completely editable to accommodate the info that should be included. All letters ought to be business letter format and there ought to be three brief paragraphs. As you move forward with additional information it then becomes tough to break from the format you've started. The total format of your essay, for example, font size and margins, will solely count on the instructions offered to you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Short History of Mass Comm Free Essays
A Short History of Mass Communication Theory Paradigm results is a theory that summarizes and is consistent with all known facts and this often leads to a paradigm shift a fundamental, even radical, rethinking of what we believe to be true (Kuhn, 1970). Mass communication theory is a particulary open to such a paradigm shifts due to 3 factors : 1. Advances in technology or the introduction of new media. We will write a custom essay sample on Short History of Mass Comm or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. Calls for control or regulatiin of these new technologies require. 3. As a country commited to protecting democracy and cultural pluralism. These factors produced 4 major eras of mass communication theory A. The era of mass society theory B. The era of scientific perspective C. The era of limited effects of theory D. The era of cultural theory A. THE ERA OF MASS SOCIETY THEORY During the second half of 19th century and the first decades of 20th century mass circulation newspaper and magazines, movies, talkies, and radio all came to prominence at this time. The country’s peaceful rural nature was beginning to slip further into history, Industrialization and urbanization is spread. The media needed to be controlled to protect traditional values and to prevent similar abuses at home. The resulting paradigm was mass society theory, the idea that the media are corrupting influences that undermine the social order and that â€Å"average†people are defenseless against their influence. The fundamental assumption of this paradigm is expressed in the hypodermic needle theory or magic bullet theory. Mass society theory is an example of grand theory, one designed to describe and explain all aspects of a given phenomenon. Media did have effects, often good ones. B. THE ERA OF THE SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE Scientist determined that different factors led some people to be influenced and others not (Lowery DeFleur, 1995) The researcher had benefit of advances in survey research, polling, and other social scientific methods developed and championed by Austrian immigrant Paul Lazarsfeld. How to cite Short History of Mass Comm, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies Essay Example
Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies Essay New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies Based on: Philip Kotler et al. , Principles of Marketing International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm Objectives Understand how companies find and develop newproduct ideas. Learn the steps in the new-product development process. Know the stages of the product life cycle. Understand how marketing strategies change during the product’s life cycle. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 1 Definition New Product Development Development of original products, product improvements, product modifications, and new brands through the firm’s own R D efforts. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 2 New Product Development Strategy New products can be obtained via acquisition or development. New products suffer from high failure rates. Several reasons account for failure. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 3 Ne w Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 1: Idea Generation †¢ Internal idea sources: RD †¢ External idea sources: Customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 4 New Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 2: Idea Screening †¢ Product development costs increase substantially in later stages. †¢ Ideas are evaluated against criteria; most are eliminated. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 5 New Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 3: Concept Development and Testing †¢ Product concepts provide detailed versions of new product ideas. Concept tests ask target consumers to evaluate product concepts. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 6 New Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 4: Marketing Strategy Development †¢ Strategy statements describe: The target market, product positioning, and sales, share, and profit goals for the first few years. Product price, distribution, and marketing budget for the first year. Long-run sales and profit goals and the marketing mix strategy. Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm New Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 5: Business Analysis We will write a custom essay sample on Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer †¢ Sales, cost, and profit projections + Stage 6: Product Development †¢ Prototype development and testing Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 8 New Product Development Strategy New Product Development Process: + Stage 7: Test Marketing †¢ Standard test markets †¢ Controlled test markets †¢ Simulated test markets + Stage 8: Commercialization Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 9 Product Life-Cycle Strategies The Typical Product Life Cycle (PLC) Has Five Stages + Product Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline + Not all products follow this cycle: †¢ Fads †¢ Styles †¢ Fashions Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 10 Product Life-Cycle Strategies The product life cycle concept can be applied to a: + Product class (soft drinks) + Product form (diet colas) + Brand (Diet Dr. Pepper) †¢ Using the PLC to forecast brand perform ance or to develop marketing strategies is problematic Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 11 Product Life-Cycle Strategies PLC Stages Product development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Begins when the company develops a new-product idea Sales are zero Investment costs are high Profits are negative Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 12 Product Life-Cycle Strategies PLC Stages Product development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Low sales High cost per customer acquired Negative profits Innovators are targeted Little competition Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 13 Marketing Strategies: Introduction Stage Product – Offer a basic product Price – Use cost-plus basis to set Distribution – Build selective distribution Advertising – Build awareness among early adopters and dealers/resellers Sales Promotion – Heavy expenditures to create trial Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 14 Product Life-Cycle Strategies PLC Stages Product development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Rapidly rising sales Average cost per customer Rising profits Early adopters are targeted Growing competition Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 15 Marketing Strategies: Growth Stage Product – Offer product extensions, service, warranty Price – Penetration pricing Distribution – Build intensive distribution Advertising – Build awareness and interest in the mass market Sales Promotion – Reduce expenditures to take advantage of consumer demand Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 16 Product Life-Cycle Strategies PLC Stages Product development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Sales peak Low cost per customer High profits Middle majority are targeted Competition begins to decline Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 17 Marketing Strategies: Maturity Stage Product – Diversify brand and models Price – Set to match or beat competition Distribution – Build more intensive distribution Advertising – Stress brand differences and benefits Sales Promotion – Increase to encourage brand switching Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 18 Product Life-Cycle Strategies PLC Stages Product development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Declining sales Low cost per customer Declining profits Laggards are targeted Declining competition Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 19 Marketing Strategies: Decline Stage Product – Phase out weak items Price – Cut price Distribution – Use selective distribution: phase out unprofitable outlets Advertising – Reduce to level needed to retain hard-core loyalists Sales Promotion – Reduce to minimal level Fach, Dozent, Semester International Marketing Prof. Dr. Thomas Laukamm 20
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